Feature request: Daily Notes UI

This post was last updated for 208 days ago, and the information may already be changed

Here are some suggestions for improving the user experience for working with Daily Notes in SiYuan.

  1. When SiYuan starts, it show a screen that has today's daily note. The daily note should be created automatically. If SiYuan application stays open for multiple days, at the start of each day, a new daily note should be created. If a daily note from the past has no content, it should be automatically deleted.
  2. There should be a shortcut to quickly go to today's daily note.
  3. There should be a possibility to view all daily notes simply by scrolling up/down from the current daily note. See the GIF below for how LogSeq does this. This makes it very easy to scroll down to the daily notes from the past couple of days. It is okay if there is some configurable limit to how many daily notes can be shown in such a scrolling view. For example, only notes from the past 20 days.

In my opinion, implementing the above features will make SiYuan more friendly for daily journaling and reviewing. Thank you for considering this.

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