
This post was last updated for 571 days ago, and the information may already be changed

I made a test doc with formatting: bold, italics, highlights, colored font, embed/transclusion.

I ten exported the doc as a markdown file, which I then opened. Only italics is rendered as such, neither bold, nor highlights nor colored font are rendered.

Inline HTML is not supported, although selecting text produces a pop-up toolbar which does most what I need, but upon export nothing is retained.

This means that, in effect, one is locked in with SiYuan if one does not want to lose formatting. For me this is a deal breaker.

Now, I may well be missing something crucial here, which is why I post this comment because overall SiYuan is a feature-rich, intuitively easy to understand note-taking app that is attractive.

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    • Ngungu

      Thanks for the detailed explanation.

      we have tried our best to deal with exporting standard Markdown

      Surely **bold text** is standard markdown, yet it does not come through with export.
      Are all the JSON settings for export really optimized?

      1 Reply
    • MiscReply
    • 88250

      There is basically no limit, and there is no problem with millions of characters in normal recording. For the storage structure, please refer to the FAQ section of the user guide. For more technical details, please refer to the source code, thank you.

    • edmed

      Thank you. What are the technical limitations of the individual json files? (max size megabytes, max characters, or is that limited by the operating system)? Also, all json document files are all stored in the same directory? (the sql backend only looks to 1 place to find things to index?)

      1 Reply
    • 88250

      Basically everything that can be done has been done, please export the and upload it to the post, we will see if we can find the specific problem, thank you.

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