
#248 2023-07-15 17:48:39 Join
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An avid note-taker on geopolitics.
  • Formatting

    2023-07-16 18:19

    Thanks for the detailed explanation.

    we have tried our best to deal with exporting standard Markdown

    Surely **bold text** is standard markdown, yet it does not come through with export.
    Are all the JSON settings for export really optimized?

  • [Solved] Moved from Logseq - get my Wikilinks back on Track

    2023-07-16 16:55

    @88250 thanks for your reply. Confirmed: importing from Obsidian works fine. Well done, team!
    Many thanks.

  • [Solved] Moved from Logseq - get my Wikilinks back on Track

    2023-07-15 18:59

    @Nhan what do you mean by “properly import”?
    I imported 2 files from Obsidian as a test. File 1 has a wikilink to file 2 in this format: [[file2 name|text]], which is not a clickable link in file 1.

    Admittedly, file 2 was imported after file 1, not at the same time. I am using Siyuan 2.9.5.