How to delete Sync Key


I have Siyuan installed via docker so I can access from work. I have a Pro Account so I can use WebDav to sync my content between my devices and different browsers.

When configuring Siyuan at my laptop I introduced incorreccly the encription key, so I can't sync the content.

I've been looking for a way to delete the encription key or a way to introduce it again, but I haven't found any.

I've delete all the local data from the browser. I have to access the Siyuan server, login with the liuyun account and configure the WebDav server info, but I can't change the encription key.

Should I unistall the browser completely?

Thanks for your time and work.

    • 88250 1

      Hello, please select Reset data repo in Settings - About - Data repo key:


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    • Fonsos
      PRO Author

      Thank you very much!

    • MiscReply
    • 88250 1

      Hello, please select Reset data repo in Settings - About - Data repo key:


      1 Reply