#2160 2024-07-26 15:55:34 Join
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  • SQL querry to get date and time of creation of a document

    2024-07-29 02:00

    If i understand correctly, your mean is like to insert updated time in a doc automaticaly.

    If im correct, I advise you to use js embed block. something like use js in embed block.

    The template can not refresh at each time, when you insert a template, what you get is fixed with current time.

    Maybe @frostime can give you some js embed block infos.

  • SQL querry to get date and time of creation of a document

    2024-07-26 16:00

    Can you describe clearly where are you create in?

    If you want query creation and updated of a document, just use:

    select created, updated from blocks where id = 'your doc id';

    but this way cannot use in embed block, there are some reason.

    If you wanna insert the created and updated time into a doc.

    You can use the Template functio.

    There is a guide about it. SiYuan Template Function Guide for Newcomers: Template Syntax + Functions + Markdown Block Syntax .

    Use above sql in your template and used it by slash(/) menu.

    There are some other way to show both time in doc, but I dont know what result is you want.

    Plz give me more info.