#2545 2024-09-16 16:48:34 Join
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  • Setting up siyuan with docker and exposing it with cloudflare

    2024-09-26 02:03

    Nice to see another fellow starter to siyuan!

  • Setting up siyuan with docker and exposing it with cloudflare

    2024-09-26 01:56

    I did set it up that way initially and ot was quite simple but figured an exposed docker with a secure method would be the main way to go since my main case use is accessing and editing my notes outside my own devices and network (e.g. a library computer and network). If it can still be done via the settings method, please tell!

    I know exposing it to other networks might be less secure and siyuan is a privacy first app...but my notes are just housing my uni notes about anatomy so I'm not too fussed about security. If my notes are a bit less protected but easily accessible and my IP addresses and etc are secure then I'm perfectly content

  • Setting up siyuan with docker and exposing it with cloudflare

    2024-09-22 20:17

    Thanks for your help!

    It turns out I've made a very stupid mistake from the beginning by trying to run the commands via powershell not knowing they were actually linux 🤦🏻‍♀️. I've installed Ubuntu and did the whole process again and it runs beautifully now. Only issue is that I'm trying to expose it to other networks securely but it might turn out my little surface go isn't powerful enough for that so I'll have to wait until my new laptop comes. Thanks again!