Forward Slash not working after using Heading

This post was last updated for 584 days ago, and the information may already be changed

Dear Developers,

for some time now I have been observing the following behavior in SiYuan:

I can use the forward slash and it works as long as I type a "#" somewhere. No need to make a Heading but it is my usecase.

So sometimes a screenshot says more than words:


I can't find anything in the settings to influence this behavior.
If I want to open an AI Chat from this point on, I have no chance anymore, because no hotkey can be assigned in the keymap to AI Chat. The only solution is to open and close SiYuan or to do headings without using Markdown syntax.
I ask on occasion to investigate this behavior and fix it if necessary.
Many thanks

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    • TaxDevOp
      VIP Warrior Author

      Thanks @TinkMingKing . I am using markdown for years. As you should have noticed in my screenshot there is an space after the #. But that changes nothing. The menu will not popup anymore. Not if you use # at the beginning of line so you get an Heading and not if you use it somewhere else. It doesn't even matter if you do a space behind it or not. That was my point: Use # and / will not trigger the menu anymore.

    • MiscReply
    • TaxDevOp
      VIP Warrior Author

      @ednico Frage an den besten Buchhalter weit und breit: Kannst Du das Verhalten in SiYuan auch nachvollziehen? (Question for my favorite accountant: Can you see this behavior in SiYuan too?)

    • TinkMingKing

      # after that, you need to enter a space