How to use "inbox" feature?

This post was last updated for 519 days ago, and the information may already be changed

As a lifetime user, how do I use the Inbox feature? The instructions in the user guide are very superficial. It only talks about API, where to find it, but it doesn't show how to use it. Thank you.

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    • 88250

      Hello, Inbox currently only provides APIs for external applications to connect.

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    • Basti
      VIP Warrior

      Based on iOS Share Sheet Shortcut I created another Shortcut to send Text (only) to the SiYuan Inbox. You need to edit the Shortcut and change "token xxx" to your Inbox-Token. This is just an example, as I am not very good with using Shortcuts. But it should get you started.

      1 Reply
    • Basti 2
      VIP Warrior

      Sending to the SiYuan-Inbox is quiet easy from a small script. I have an example for ruby here...

      You need to change "token xxx"

      require 'net/http'
      require 'json'
      uri = URI('')
      req =
      req.body = JSON.dump({
        content: 'Hello from Ruby'
      req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
      req['Authorization'] = 'token xxx'
      res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http|
      case res
      when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
        puts 'DONE'
        puts 'FAILED'
        puts res.value
    • sdnnvs
      VIP Warrior Author

      Okay, thanks for the feedback. But, would there be an application as an example, so that I can find a use for Cloud Inbox? For example, the Capacities app has connectivity with Telegram and WhatsApp. Would it be possible to use the SiYuan API to do the same?
      Personally, I would really like it if it were possible to copy text excerpts and send them directly to Inbox, more or less like the Citanotes app does.

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