How do I properly update SiYuan on Docker?

Hi all SiYuan citizens! 👋

I need to know how to properly update SiYuan version on my Docker container.

I imagine I need to build it again... here's a basic step-by-step I think should work:

  1. Export all data (backup)
  2. Stop container
  3. Delete container
  4. Delete image
  5. Build anew
  6. Start container
  7. Upload backed up data

Is there a simpler way to do this?

    • Macavity 1

      I don't think you need to export all data, you should of course have a backup - but it's unrelated to the update.

      When using docker-compose you have several shared folders like config and workspace - those contain your data.

      What I do:

      • down the container
      • pull the new image
      • build the new container
      • and "up" with it.

      Watchtower can do all of that for you.

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    • glaucon1984 1 Up
      VIP Warrior

      I use Watchtower, it will automatically update all your containers:

    • MiscReply
    • Macavity 1

      I don't think you need to export all data, you should of course have a backup - but it's unrelated to the update.

      When using docker-compose you have several shared folders like config and workspace - those contain your data.

      What I do:

      • down the container
      • pull the new image
      • build the new container
      • and "up" with it.

      Watchtower can do all of that for you.

    • DrEgg

      A bit too late to the party

      I wrote a bash script to automate it. What the script does is

      1. pull the latest image
      2. stop the current container
      3. remove the current contianer
      4. create a new container with latest image

      All your data is on local hard drive so you don't have to backup.

      if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]
              then echo "[ERROR] Run in sudo!"
      read -p "note password: " accessword
      if [ -z "${accessword}" ]; then
      printf "\nYour password is:\n ${accessword}]\n\n"
      echo "[pull] pulling latest image"
      docker pull b3log/siyuan > /dev/null
      echo "[pull] done!"
      echo "[stop] stopping container"
      docker stop siyuan > /dev/null
      echo "[stop] done!"
      echo "[rm] removing container"
      docker rm siyuan > /dev/null
      echo "[rm] done!"
      echo "[start] starting container"
      docker run -d -v /srv/siyuan:/srv/siyuan -p 8088:6806 --name siyuan -u 1000:1000 -t b3log/siyuan --workspace=/path/to/siyuan/root --accessAuthCode="$accessword" > /dev/null
      echo "[start] done!"