#234 2023-07-13 10:10:31 Join
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  • Turn inline reference into embed block

    2023-10-03 10:01

    @zxhd86 how did do that? Is that just a mock up?

  • SiYuan as an Outliner?

    2023-07-20 23:54

    @88250 That's excellent! You guys are amazing. I love the pace of development and improvement with SiYuan!

    @Nhan I wouldn't say there are features that are missing so much as priorities - logseq has outlining as first class functionality and it's built around it. So while in SiYuan you can have an outline if you like, it's not like logseq where every block is part of an outline. I prefer SiYuan in this aspect, but if you're coming from an outliner based PKMS, it will feel strange. I think in SiYuan there's a default block type, which is the paragraph. If this default block type was customizable to a list item, I think migrating from an outliner would be made much easier! Then the additional functionality of additional block types would show its power as the user gets accustomed.

    I don't think it's possible to change your default block type but I would be willing to bet it wouldn't be a major change - could even be a plugin for new users

  • SiYuan as an Outliner?

    2023-07-20 13:11

    I'm currently evaluating SiYuan vs Logseq. Anytype is in the mix as well. At first I really didn't want an outliner like Logseq which is why I avoided it though it met all my other needs. That said, after having used it for a month or so, it's hard to imagine not having at least some outlining feature set. What exists in SiYuan currently is just bullet points and the ability to nest them. This isn't sufficient to translate what logseq has.

    In SiYuan you can "focus" blocks which is pretty neat thought it doesn't seem to be first class functionality. I think there's room for some quick wins on this front that'll make migrating from an outliner style app easier. Considering the speed of development of SiYuan, I imagine this will be improved in the future, though who can say when.

    Here's a quick comparison between outline style content in SiYuan vs in Logseq
    in SiYuan this is about 360 pixels tall, or about 90 pixels per line! The same in Logseq is about 280 pixels or 70 pixels per line.




    Ok, so how about changing the font size in SiYuan?


    Nope. Just more blank space - it's no more compact.

    I'm only just beginning with SiYuan so somebody may know better than me, but I believe you can write custom css to make line height more compact for lists - that said without writing your own code, it's about 30% more space in SiYuan, which adds up really fast.

  • Faster syncing?

    2023-07-14 02:16

    I understand. However I strongly encourage you to consider allowing more rapid syncing, especially for only text updates. SiYuan is my favorite PKMS that I have encountered, but logseq and anytype and many others that aren't catered towards collaboration still have very rapid syncing.

    I understand if there's a lot of work to be done to change the syncing infrastructure, but if the paid offering is syncing and it has such severe limitations, it really makes it a poor value proposition. I highly encourage to be open to more robust syncing and improvements to syncing in general

  • Faster syncing?

    2023-07-14 01:04

    So it's not up for consideration? If I just sync everytime I finish typing something it will have the same effect. I think you will find it's not resource heavy if you're only syncing the changes made and not the entirety of the database. It should be about as resource heavy as a chat app sending messages back and forth

  • Faster syncing?

    2023-07-13 22:03

    Is there a buttin to sync on deman in IOS? I really think that syncing within a few seconds of last type is necessary - is there a way we can change this setting? That would make conflicts much less likely. Please allow us the option to sync 2 seconds after - or even better, let us select in seconds how often we want syncing to occur. Please, it is very vital to my use of SiYuan. And thank you for your excellent work, you have made my favorite PKMS