
#290 2023-07-26 21:04:49 Join
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  • embed block query for child document

    2023-09-16 02:59

    i did some tests and a query like this will work:

    to do taks

    SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE hpath LiKE '/daily note/2023/sep%'  AND markdown LIKE '%[ ]%' AND subtype = 't' AND type = 'i';

    done tasks

    SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE hpath LiKE '/daily note/2023/sep%'  AND markdown LIKE '%[X]%' AND subtype = 't' AND type = 'i';
  • Tutorial guide how to set a Cloudflare R2 S3

    2023-09-15 06:35

    what is exactly you doubt ? a full tutorial would require a r2 subscription wich i don't have.

    in simple steps:

    1. go to the cloudflare dashboard
    2. create a bucket
    3. create an token to authenticate on the s3 api: https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/api/s3/tokens/
    4. go to siyuan configure the s3 sync with the information gathered on previous steps
    5. after configuring the conection information go to cloud sync dir and add a directory for the sincronization

    in general i think that under normal use "not adding/modifying more than 20k assets/documents per day" the billing probably would stay on the free tier.
    for comparison i have a minio instance, my bucket has 615MB with a total count of 23,305 objects,
    on R2 this would stay on the free tier
    if the chages are much frequent i would recommend increase the sync time from the default 30 second to avoid surpassing the 1mm write operations on the free tier.