I exported a notebook to markdown (which is great), but I found that the files don't have links to other files like they were in Siyuan.
So, is there anyway to make markdown exports have links to other files?
I exported a notebook to markdown (which is great), but I found that the files don't have links to other files like they were in Siyuan.
So, is there anyway to make markdown exports have links to other files?
@participants We are considering built-in support for anchor hash export mode Issue #10265 · siyuan-note/siyuan
I think the issue remains with anchor hash
for the reason that it is limited to notebook currently, meaning I cannot select rendering from Markdown to HTML from the notebook_ex > export > (selectable=Markdown/siyuan.sy.zip)
How would i export my notes to HTML with anchor hash
? I think I would be limited to using pandoc input.md -o output.html
, I tried it with pandoc, which succesfully creates html with link to other note, but it just opens the other note without navigation to the <span>
block, so no hash jump in browser (brave/firefox) to block.
I was able to do it (for documents only, not blocks, as I don't know how to find out if the link is of a block or a document, and I don't want to mutate the linked documents anyway).
Here's the Python script:
import os
import re
import requests
# Replace 'YOUR_API_ENDPOINT' with the actual Siyuan API endpoint
SIYUAN_API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:6806"
# Function to make a SQL query to Siyuan API
def query_block_details(block_id):
query = {"stmt": f"SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE id='{block_id}'"}
response = requests.post(f"{SIYUAN_API_ENDPOINT}/api/query/sql", json=query)
return response.json()
# Function to process each markdown file
def process_markdown_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
content = file.read()
# Use regex to find instances of [Anchor text](siyuan://blocks/block-id)
matches = re.findall(r"\[.*?\]\(siyuan://blocks/(.*?)\)", content)
for block_id in matches:
# Query Siyuan API to get block details
result = query_block_details(block_id)
# Assumes ref is of a document, not a block
if result:
hpath_value = result["data"][0].get("hpath")
# Replace the siyuan://blocks/block-id with hpath_value.md
new_link = f"({hpath_value}.md)"
# Replace the old link in the content
content = content.replace(f"(siyuan://blocks/{block_id})", new_link)
# Write the updated content back to the file
with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
def process_markdown_directory(directory_path):
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
for file_name in files:
if file_name.endswith(".md"):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
# Replace 'YOUR_MARKDOWN_DIRECTORY_PATH' with the actual path to your exported markdown files
markdown_directory_path = "YOUR_MARKDOWN_DIRECTORY_PATH"
# Process each markdown file in the specified path
The anchor hash
feature currently creates a span object <span id="20231110120736-ze6m41f"></span>
. Some kind of program should be able to understand and find this block inside the note as reference. Can anyone help me understand how this can be useful after export, where do I use this, which program understands this syntax?
The export mode Anchor hash
for notebook Markdown exporting has some limitations.
In the case i want to publish a particular note (with links to other notes) my approach is:
Other limitation of Anchor has
export and the only way I got it to work (performed testing by exporting to Obsidian):
Depending on the responses here I might add a feature request soon that involves the concept of user selectable export syntax. In which before execution of export using anchor hash
a user can type in the conversion syntax to apply. User is presented with input fields much like the settings > Export > Anchor text wrapping symbol
Conversion syntax for siyuan > obsidian would be: [[test3.md/Note 2#^d8bf62|Note 2]] and conversion input fields could somehow be [[ .. / .. #^ .. | .. ]]
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