Move workspace to a new WebDav server

This post was last updated for 358 days ago, and the information may already be changed


After testing Siyuan with a local WebDav server I'd like to move my workspace to a new one with better resouces.

I need to establish a good plan, please give your comments:

  • Option A:

    • Manually copy all the contents (folders) from one server to the other and then change SiYuan sync configuration, pointing to the new server.
  • Option B:

    • Using SiYuan option, export workspace and import in a new workspace with the new webdav server configured.

I'd like you hear you if other options are better or not, do you sync your workspaces using a S3 server?.

Thanks in advance.

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    • 88250

      I think option B is more reliable and can provide data backup by the way.

      1 Reply
    • josemanu72
      PRO Author

      Done, thanks for helping.

      The problem for me has been the low performance of Nextcloud wih webdav performance, I even thought it was an issue with the application!.

      New webdav server and all ok.