How do you find your knowledge base?

I paid for it and cant find it, can anyone help??

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    • anon83767
      PRO VIP Warrior

      Were you looking to access Siyuan in your browser? What do you mean by "find your own knowledge base?"

    • MiscReply
    • mklabs
      PRO Author

      Just tell me how to access it after paying. Please

    • monsterfurby
      VIP Warrior

      What do you mean by "knowledge base"? The documentation is accessed through the "User Guide" option, which appears as its own notebook.

    • ACai

      I don't think that just because it doesn't match your expectations doesn't mean it's a scam.

      If you look at their github commit logs (dev), you'll see that they update Siyuan almost every day.

      Anyway, have a nice day!


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