Adjust the heap size of Burp

This post was last updated for 191 days ago, and the information may already be changed


For Burp better using, I change its JVM heap size.


Edit the binary file of Burp suite pro:

# vim /bin/burpsuitepro

Add a paramater after the -jar​:

java --XXXXXX --XXXXXX -jar -Xmx16G burpsuiteXXXX.jar

Then restart burpsuitepro, follow Help > Diagnostics​, and under SYSTEM RESOURCES, you could check that:

Number of processors             16
Total JVM memory                 1.09 GiB
Max JVM memory                   16 GiB
Free JVM memory                  616.76 MiB

Total physical memory            62.69 GiB
Free physical memory             30.43 GiB
Total swap                       4 GiB
Free swap                        4 GiB

Finish adjustion.

By the way, the burp edition I use is from here, just clone it if you need it.


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