Auto-Remove Images from Assets Folder

Hi everyone!

I noticed that whenever I pasted an image in siyuan then delete it afterwards, the image file still exists in the assets folder.

Is there a way to remove/clean them without checking the assets folder everytime?

Thanks in advance!

    • 88250

      Settings - Assets - Unreferenced assets - Delete

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    • 88250

      Settings - Assets - Unreferenced assets - Delete

      1 Reply
    • MiscReply
    • Mon

      You can also download this plugin called open directory to have easy access on the folders of your workspace


    • Mon

      Yes, you can. Just go to the folder of your workspace ➡️data ➡️assets (C:....[name of your workspace]\data\assets)

    • bytepursuits

      how do you view assets folder? is there an option?

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