How to automatically convert URL text to URL link?

This post was last updated for 475 days ago, and the information may already be changed

Dear all,

I have exported an Obsidian notebook,named "output.IT", which is actually a folder of notes and sub-folders.

The notes are well imported into Siyuan, except that all the URL links become a normal text,
e.g. the URL link, becomes a plain text only:

so how to automatically convert all URL text to URL link?

Thanks for any kinds of help!

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    • timyhh


      If you copy an URL from somewhere
      -> then click on Siyuan note
      -> and then you can simply press "control-k" to automatically convert the copied URL text into URL link

      If importing Obsidian folder or vault, and you want to automatically convert all URL text in all notes, it seems that a plugin coding is required


    • MiscReply
    • timyhh

      I finally find out that simply press "control-k" to make thing done!

    • benz

      It seems I have the same question : Markdown Folder Import (Obsidian import)

    • timyhh

      It seems that we need to write a plugin to do so