S3 sync usefullness of Cloud sync dir option?

This post was last updated for 447 days ago, and the information may already be changed


I just managed to configurate an S3 sync (https://liuyun.io/article/1702810965162) and I don't understand what is the usefullness of the 'cloud sync dir' option.

I can configurate bucket only by typing its name on the "Bucket" field so why is there a 'cloud sync dir' option?


    • 88250

      Sorry, I misunderstood your question before. This is indeed the case. For S3/WebDAV synchronization, the cloud sync directory list is only for display, and management operations such as creation or deletion cannot be performed.

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    • zacl 1
      PRO VIP Warrior Author

      No problem, I don't speak a good english so maybe that is why😄

      So it works as intented.

      Thank you!

    • MiscReply
    • zacl
      PRO VIP Warrior Author

      I tried in another workspace. Same conclusion : 'coud sync dir' seems useless in my config. Only "Bucket" string allow to set the storage bucket. Is that a bug?

      1 Reply
    • 88250

      Hello, the cloud directory corresponds to the storage bucket, so that multiple workspaces can be associated with different storage buckets.

      1 Reply
    • 88250

      Sorry, I misunderstood your question before. This is indeed the case. For S3/WebDAV synchronization, the cloud sync directory list is only for display, and management operations such as creation or deletion cannot be performed.

      1 Reply