Add block via iOS share menu

This post was last updated for 409 days ago, and the information may already be changed


Is it possible to add a block e.g. to a default document or daily note from the iOS share menu? I couldn't find it but just want to make sure. It would make it easier to add websites and documents to SiYuan on iOS.



    • 88250 1

      This feature is currently unavailable, sorry.

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    • 88250


    • MiscReply
    • dwinkl 1
      PRO Author

      For others who are interested, I hacked something together using iOS Shortcuts. One can send POST requests via Shortcuts so the API can be used.

      The shortcut works as follows

      1. "Set Variable": select variable name (e.g., block) and select "to Shortcut Input"
      2. Select receive input from Share Sheet and Ask For Text if there is no input in the step that spawns above
      3. Open Siyuan
      4. Get Contents of set method to post, headers add key Content-Type and value application/json, set data to the variable created above, dataType: markdown and previousID to the block above the one that is inserted

      There is an option to show shortcuts in the share menu

    • 88250 1

      This feature is currently unavailable, sorry.

      2 Reply
    • dwinkl
      PRO Author

      I also managed to create a "read later" implementation that seems to work great. IMG2705.jpeg

      the data type is set to "dom" here

      1 Reply