2023-12-27 19:27:34
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Maze (Whiteboard) update
There is an excalidraw extension
11 months
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Setup AI locally by Ollama
With the release of SiYuan 3.0.0 we can now set the LLM to use. This makes the setup trivial. For example I downloaded dolphin-mixtral using ollama by running: ..
1 year
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Require complete English support within the app.
Support in next version
1 year
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Guides and tutorials on SiYuan plugin development?
There is [pic] GitHub - siyuan-community/siyuan-developer-docs: Unofficial documentation for SiYuan community developers. Unofficial documentation for SiYuan co ..
1 year
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1 year
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Setup AI locally by Ollama
Ollama is now OpenAI compatible by itself so the setup should be easier [pic] OpenAI compatibility · Ollama Blog Ollama now has initial compatibility with the O ..
1 year
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New to Siyuan
I found the User guide within the app best. See settings➡️ help. Post here if something remains unclear. :)
1 year
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Create & Edit templates directly in SiYuan
I recently discovered the Monaco (vs code editor) plugin for SiYuan. It creates an additional menu entry similar to the DocTree but for files in the SiYuan fold ..
1 year
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Subscription models
Have you considered offering a monthly subscription option? In this situation, the value is, naturally, much lower than the 'lifetime' values which may, for som ..
1 year
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Where is database table in SiYuan Android apps?
Around the 20th of next month, thank you.
1 year
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Where is database table in SiYuan Android apps?
I think it's been revised to mid February [pic] Database table view · Issue #2829 · siyuan-note/siyuan Divided into the following tasks: #7552 #7536 #8663 #8693 ..
1 year
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Where is database table in SiYuan Android apps?
Yes PRO users can use databases. Here is an example that has a relation column with its own primary key and counts the number of relations that have checked box ..
1 year
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Weekly planning in SiYuan
I set up my weekly planning workflow in SiYuan and thought I might share in case it is useful for others Setup for the plan First I set up a horizontal Super bl ..
1 year
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Can plugins/themes be synced to iOS (iPhone)
The plugins are in sync, but the themes are not. You can consider using the mobile serving function and then access the marketplace on a desktop browser.
1 year
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Can plugins/themes be synced to iOS (iPhone)
Thank you! Worked perfectly.
1 year
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Can plugins/themes be synced to iOS (iPhone)
I managed to get the Savor theme working on iPad but on the iPhone it says the market place needs to be configured on Desktop and then synced. It seems like I a ..
1 year
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Setup AI locally by Ollama
EDIT: With SiYuan >=3.0.0 setup is much easier. Please see my latest comment. It is possible to serve a LLM locally using an OpenAI compatible API. It seems ..
1 year
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Reduce Cloud Storage Amount
Theoretically there should be no such problem. Please synchronize all devices before cleaning to ensure data consistency. It should be noted that it is best not ..
1 year
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Reduce Cloud Storage Amount
Thank you! Just to clarify, to safely manually delete the cloud snapshots I would just make sure I have the latest changes on a machine, delete the data in the ..
1 year
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Reduce Cloud Storage Amount
Is it possible to delete old snapshots / decide only to keep a certain number of snapshots to reduce cloud storage? I currently need around 500mb of storage whi ..
1 year
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How do you get backlink references to show in the Siyuan App?
The duplicates for me seem to be due to nested blocks. We can explicitly only select blocks if their parent is not already selected (this will give you the oute ..
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
@alvorithm I agree the template creation interface could be better. I haven’t really looked into it and just added the markdown files in the folder. Generally, ..
1 year
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How do you get backlink references to show in the Siyuan App?
Try adding AND type = 'p' (see documentation for advanced search - type filtering for additional parameters) If you want to select multiple types try AND type i ..
1 year
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How do you get backlink references to show in the Siyuan App?
There is an icon that will open the backlinks panel when clicked: [pic] For me it's in the lower right but not sure if I moved it. To query only backlinks to th ..
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
The template to query the current document {{SELECT * FROM BLOCKS WHERE root_id = '.action{.id}'}}
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
@alvorithm Indeed we can query the blocks of the current document with a template
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
@alvorithm that’s right and I think it’s not possible using js or queries alone. It lot looks like they are unaware where they are called from. My next try will ..
1 year
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Add block via iOS share menu
I also managed to create a 'read later' implementation that seems to work great. [pic] the data type is set to 'dom' here
1 year
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Add block via iOS share menu
For others who are interested, I hacked something together using iOS Shortcuts. One can send POST requests via Shortcuts so the API can be used. The shortcut wo ..
1 year
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1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
However, generally queries within the same document don't seem to be possible
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
Just playing around with this a bit: //!js const query_path = async (path) => { let notebooks_ = await fetchSyncPost('/api/notebook/lsNotebooks'); let notebo ..
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
Thank you for the hint! I did get a minimal example going based on [url] in the GH issue. It appears that the //!js blocks want a list of IDs as return value. T ..
1 year
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SQL query with JavaScript
Are there any example queries using JavaScript? I saw it is supported in the change log but couldn't find any English documentation. I would be especially inter ..
1 year
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1 year
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Add block via iOS share menu
This feature is currently unavailable, sorry.
1 year
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Add block via iOS share menu
Hi, Is it possible to add a block e.g. to a default document or daily note from the iOS share menu? I couldn't find it but just want to make sure. It would make ..
1 year
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1 year