Antivirus norton is blocking autoupdate 2.12.0

This post was last updated for 204 days ago, and the information may already be changed

Hi, my antivirus Norton is blocking the last auto update performed during the closing of the software (siyuan-2.12.0-win.exe).

It is the first time it happend in a software for me. Norton never gave me false positive before. Do you know what could cause that?


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    • 88250

      I just downloaded it and checked it out. The digital signature should be normal

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    • zacl
      PRO VIP Warrior Author

      The downloaded setup trigger Norton too. I conclude it is a Norton false positive cause it detect that Siyuan setup tryin to update a file (SiYuan/resources/app/electron/icon.png) in the protected folder AppData. I don't know why Norton does not detect that Siyuan is trying to update itself...


    • zacl
      PRO VIP Warrior Author

      it is your site, good. Unsigned file is suspicious it may have been infected and replaced by someone else that is why I'm cautious. Maybe something went wrong during the signature process.

      1 Reply
    • zacl
      PRO VIP Warrior Author

      After installingthe update, Norton is complaining that Siyuan kernel has not valid digital signature.

      Could you verify please that the IP address in the picture is yours?
      It seem that SiYuan is trying to connect to ?



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