Hi 👋
tl;dr: Has anyone tried hosting WebDAV sync on a LAN machine? Can I use RPi for this or should I stick with a PC?
Currently I'm enjoying the free SiYuan, which exceeds my expectations for notes taking, projects management, writing, and other uses. I'm "syncing" my notes by hosting the app on my mobile and opening a web browser on a computer.
But I wish to support SiYuan further and I'm considering a premium, but I have a specific use case in mind and I wonder if anyone tried it so far.
I have a Raspberry Pi just laying around, and I wanted to turn it into a dedicated WebDAV server for my SiYuan notes AND assets. This RPi would sit at home without a external access to it, so any synchronisation would happen only when connecting to my local area network. So when I add some notes and add assets on the mobile device, those will synchronize into the server (and then onto other devices) when I go back home and connect to my wifi. Has anyone tried it? Is it possible to achieve with the $64 PRO feature? I also have old laptops in case RPi would not be enough.
Thanks for any answers in advance! 🍻
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