Import from Logseq?

Any chance of a Logseq/obsidian importer that will make sure links work and will copy in assets?

Im trying to migrate to SiYuan and i have several hundreds of notes and thousands of journals, with over 2000 assets (pdfs, images etc)

Anything to make the migration quick and easy would be helpful.

I've got some very limited scripting experience so happy for any help or solutions.

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    • Platerytter 1
      PRO Author

      Ok so I made a small bash script to remove some Logseq specific formatting:

      find $1 -type f -name ".md" | while read file; do
      sed -i '/{{query/d' "$file" # This removes any embeds
      sed -i '/{{embed/d' "$file" # This removes any embeds
      sed -i '/{{renderer/d' "$file" # This removes any embeds
      sed -i '/::/d' "$file" # This removes any tags/properties featuring ::
      sed -i 's#../assets/#assets/#g' "$file"
      sed -i 's/(([\a-f0-9-]{36}))//g' "$file" # This removes UUID like strings
      sed -i 's/- (#+)/\1/g' "$file" # Removes "- #" Outline headers and replaces them with #
      sed -i 's/{{video\s
      (http[s]?://[^}]*)}}/\1/g' "$file" #Removes the video tags
      sed -i 's#(http[s]?://[^ ]*)#[\1](\1)#g' "$file" #Adds to any links that dont have it
