Feature Request | Obsidian's Exclusive Markdown Editing Experiences

@88250 Would you consider making the fundamental markdown editing experiences more similar to Obsidian's? Like in addition to all the notion-like block based editing experiences as I think this would make the overall note experiences smoother like Obsidian's

Real-time Markdown Rendering

Obsidian displays formatted text as you type without requiring preview mode toggling. Text appears bold (** Bold **), links active ([[]] for backlink), and headings properly (Type ## and it's automatically subheading 2) sized in real-time, like most Markdown editors that show raw syntax if you click into it, and then you click out to render

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    • OmniSource
      VIP Warrior Author

      Also another thing is the Vim mode (that Obsidian supports) and down the road a Vim editor for coding etc.

      Not sure if I'm using SiYuan right but, I see it with lots of potential in the coding space down the road (developers managing code snippets and project files)

    • 88250

      Sorry, this is not considered, SiYuan is not a Markdown text editor.