embed block query for child document

This post was last updated for 529 days ago, and the information may already be changed

I want to simulate this with a embed block sql query for search inside all childs for a keyword:


For example: I want to search for a work inside the Sep (month) and all child below. I know I can do it through ctrl-F but I need to see the context through embed block.

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    • n4v41

      i did some tests and a query like this will work:

      to do taks

      SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE hpath LiKE '/daily note/2023/sep%'  AND markdown LIKE '%[ ]%' AND subtype = 't' AND type = 'i';

      done tasks

      SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE hpath LiKE '/daily note/2023/sep%'  AND markdown LIKE '%[X]%' AND subtype = 't' AND type = 'i';
    • mka
      PRO Author

      It's given 3 results. I have only two "palavra" in the child.
