Create/Edit Templates on Android

This post was last updated for 184 days ago, and the information may already be changed

Hi, how to create/edit templates on Android?

The template's folder is at "/storage/emulated/0/Android/d‎ata/org.b3log.siyuan/files/siyuan/data/templates" that I have no write permission

Is there a graphical way to do it? Or another method?

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    • glaucon1984 1
      VIP Warrior
      • Go to Settings -> About
      • Enable "Network Serving"
      • After SiYuan restarts, set a strong password under Settings -> About -> "Access authorization code"
      • Now you can access SiYuan in your Android device from a browser in the LAN, just use a computer to access <YOUR_ANDOIRD_DEVICE_IP>:6806
      • If you don't have a computer in the network you might be able to access from your own phone/tablet by navigating to and enabling the desktop mode, which will show the full interface for big screens. I haven't tested this scenario.
      • With the full interface now you can enable plugins by going to Settings -> Marketplace -> "Trust"
      • The Plugin "monaco-editor" or "Integrated Edit Environment" will allow you to browse the folders in your workspace and edit the files, including templates.

      This is an example on my machine:
