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  • Setting up siyuan with docker and vpn

    2024-09-19 19:06

    You should give more details about your setup, what Linux distro, how did you install docker, what docker-compose.yml did you use to deploy the container, at what stage do you get that "permission denied" error, spinning up the container or while trying to access from the browser.

    If you are using the default Docker Compose suggested in GitHub, make sure the directory


    exists, and that the permissions on that directory match the UID/GUID 1000:1000 specified. Or change accordingly.

    This is an example for the default values on the Docker Compose from GitHub:

    mkdir -p /siyuan/workspace
    chmod 1000:1000 /siyuan/workspace

    You might want to run chmod with "-R" for the parent directory /siyuan. It's hard to guess your problem with the little information you have provided.