Broken ampersands in databases v.3.1.20
2025-01-20 00:08The New Year, the developer went out to travel
You can go back to the previous version or change the themeBroken ampersands in databases v.3.1.20 · Issue #13886 · siyuan-note/siyuan
Add a view to an existing database in a separate page
2024-07-18 19:41Direct copy-paste can create a mirrored database.
Feature request: Daily Notes UI
2024-07-18 18:38You can achieve a similar effect by using the "Documents Flow" plugin.
Is it possible to disable the flash cards feature?
2024-07-18 10:18You can use the 'SiYuan remove buttons' plugin to hide the corresponding buttons.
Feature: Natural Language Dates ie. @yesterday @now @today, etc.
2024-07-18 10:15You can use the 'Insert time' plugin to achieve a similar effect.
How to use "inbox" feature?
2024-05-05 20:41@participants
I noticed that a new “Telegram Inbox” plugin has been added to the marketplace, anyone interested can give it a try.
Can't access docker instance and network sharing from my mobile
2024-05-04 11:31The current version may have issues; you can try the previous version: v3.0.11.
'Add to Database' question
2024-05-02 11:09Please use the following template.
.action{$id := .id} .action{$blockList := queryBlocks "SELECT * FROM blocks where id = (select root_id from blocks where id = '?')" $id} .action{$block := first $blockList} .action{$block.Content}
'Add to Database' question
2024-05-02 01:03There should be no space between “.action” and “{ .title}”.
Change font on desktop and mobile app
2024-04-22 10:50- Using Font Plugins
- 参考:思源笔记手机端和电脑端使用同一字体 - 链滴
- Placing the font files in the "data/plugins" folder of the Siyuan Notes workspace allows the fonts to be synchronized to mobile devices. For example, I have created a new folder named "custom-fonts" and placed my current favorite font, Hanyi Kongshankai, inside.
- Then, add the following code snippet in Siyuan Notes by navigating to 【Settings - Appearance - Code Snippet】
@font-face { font-family: "汉仪空山楷"; font-style: normal; src: url("plugins/custom-fonts/汉仪空山楷.ttf"); } :root { --b3-font-family: "汉仪空山楷", "Helvetica Neue", "Luxi Sans", "DejaVu Sans", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Microsoft Yahei", "sans-serif", "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Noto Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Android Emoji", "EmojiSymbols"; }
- Placing the font files in the "data/plugins" folder of the Siyuan Notes workspace allows the fonts to be synchronized to mobile devices. For example, I have created a new folder named "custom-fonts" and placed my current favorite font, Hanyi Kongshankai, inside.
- Using Font Plugins